Trang tin tức sự kiện

Impacts of Educational Factors on Entrepreneurship Intention of University Students

Drawing on the theory of planned behavior in entrepreneurship, the research proposes a model linking educational determinants, perceived entrepreneurial behavior control and entrepreneurial intentions.

Tác giả: Nguyễn Thu Thủy

In trong: Chuyên san Kinh tế và Kinh doanh

Số: Tập 33, Số 5, 2017, tr. 76-88

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Từ khóa: Education, entrepreneurship, university students, teaching methods, entrepreneurial intention

Tóm tắt: Drawing on the theory of planned behavior in entrepreneurship, the research proposes a model linking educational determinants, perceived entrepreneurial behavior control and entrepreneurial intentions. The model was tested with a sample of 163 students at the National Economics University. The result shows that university education factors including “entrepreneurship inspiration”, “work integrated learning” and “extra curricular activities” have impact on “students’ entrepreneurial behavior control” and then “entrepreneurial behavior control” as a platform through which the educational factors have impact on “overall entrepreneurial intention”. The findings provide support to Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior and have wider implications for the practice of teaching in higher educational institutions.

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Nguyễn Thu Thủy


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